import os import uuid from typing import Type import boltons.urlutils import click import click_spinner import ereuse_utils.cli from ereuse_utils.session import DevicehubClient from flask.globals import _app_ctx_stack, g from flask_sqlalchemy import SQLAlchemy from teal.teal import Teal from teal.db import SchemaSQLAlchemy from ereuse_devicehub.auth import Auth from ereuse_devicehub.client import Client from ereuse_devicehub.config import DevicehubConfig from ereuse_devicehub.db import db from ereuse_devicehub.dummy.dummy import Dummy from import DeviceSearch from ereuse_devicehub.resources.inventory import Inventory, InventoryDef from ereuse_devicehub.templating import Environment class Devicehub(Teal): test_client_class = Client Dummy = Dummy jinja_environment = Environment def __init__(self, inventory: str, config: DevicehubConfig = DevicehubConfig(), db: SQLAlchemy = db, import_name=__name__.split('.')[0], static_url_path=None, static_folder='static', static_host=None, host_matching=False, subdomain_matching=False, template_folder='templates', instance_path=None, instance_relative_config=False, root_path=None, Auth: Type[Auth] = Auth): assert inventory super().__init__(config, db, inventory, import_name, static_url_path, static_folder, static_host, host_matching, subdomain_matching, template_folder, instance_path, instance_relative_config, root_path, False, Auth) = inventory """The Inventory ID of this instance. In Teal is the app.schema.""" self.dummy = Dummy(self)'Inventory management.', help='Manages the inventory {}.'.format(os.environ.get('dhi'))) def inv(): pass inv.command('add')(self.init_db) inv.command('del')(self.delete_inventory) inv.command('search')(self.regenerate_search) self.before_request(self._prepare_request) # noinspection PyMethodOverriding @click.option('--name', '-n', default='Test 1', help='The human name of the inventory.') @click.option('--org-name', '-on', default='My Organization', help='The name of the default organization that owns this inventory.') @click.option('--org-id', '-oi', default='foo-bar', help='The Tax ID of the organization.') @click.option('--tag-url', '-tu', type=ereuse_utils.cli.URL(scheme=True, host=True, path=False), default='', help='The base url (scheme and host) of the tag provider.') @click.option('--tag-token', '-tt', type=click.UUID, default='899c794e-1737-4cea-9232-fdc507ab7106', help='The token provided by the tag provider. It is an UUID.') @click.option('--erase/--no-erase', default=False, help='Delete the schema before? ' 'If --common is set this includes the common database.') @click.option('--common/--no-common', default=False, help='Creates common databases. Only execute if the database is empty.') def init_db(self, name: str, org_name: str, org_id: str, tag_url: boltons.urlutils.URL, tag_token: uuid.UUID, erase: bool, common: bool): """Creates an inventory. This creates the database and adds the inventory to the inventory tables with the passed-in settings, and does nothing if the inventory already exists. After you create the inventory you might want to create an user executing *dh user add*. """ assert, 'Use an app context.' print('Initializing database...'.ljust(30), end='') with click_spinner.spinner(): if erase: self.db.drop_all(common_schema=common) assert not db.has_schema(, 'Schema {} already exists.'.format( exclude_schema = 'common' if not common else None self._init_db(exclude_schema=exclude_schema) InventoryDef.set_inventory_config(name, org_name, org_id, tag_url, tag_token) DeviceSearch.set_all_devices_tokens_if_empty(self.db.session) self._init_resources(exclude_schema=exclude_schema) self.db.session.commit() print('done.') def _init_db(self, exclude_schema=None) -> bool: if exclude_schema: assert isinstance(self.db, SchemaSQLAlchemy) self.db.create_all(exclude_schema=exclude_schema) else: self.db.create_all() return True @click.confirmation_option(prompt='Are you sure you want to delete the inventory {}?' .format(os.environ.get('dhi'))) def delete_inventory(self): """Erases an inventory. This removes its private database and its entry in the common inventory. This deletes users that have only access to this inventory. """ InventoryDef.delete_inventory() self.db.session.commit() self.db.drop_all(common_schema=False) def regenerate_search(self): """Re-creates from 0 all the search tables.""" DeviceSearch.regenerate_search_table(self.db.session) db.session.commit() print('Done.') def _prepare_request(self): """Prepares request stuff.""" inv = g.inventory = Inventory.current # type: Inventory g.tag_provider = DevicehubClient(base_url=inv.tag_provider, token=DevicehubClient.encode_token(inv.tag_token))