2410 lines
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2410 lines
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import datetime
import json
from io import BytesIO
from pathlib import Path
from uuid import UUID
import pytest
from flask import g
from flask.testing import FlaskClient
from flask_wtf.csrf import generate_csrf
from ereuse_devicehub.client import UserClient, UserClientFlask
from ereuse_devicehub.db import db
from ereuse_devicehub.devicehub import Devicehub
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.action.models import Snapshot
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.device.models import Device, Placeholder
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.lot.models import Lot
from ereuse_devicehub.resources.user.models import User
from tests import conftest
def create_device(user, file_name):
uri = '/inventory/upload-snapshot/'
snapshot = conftest.yaml2json(file_name.split(".json")[0])
b_snapshot = bytes(json.dumps(snapshot), 'utf-8')
file_snap = (BytesIO(b_snapshot), file_name)
data = {
'snapshot': file_snap,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
return Snapshot.query.one()
def test_login(user: UserClient, app: Devicehub):
"""Checks a simple login"""
client = FlaskClient(app, use_cookies=True)
body, status, headers = client.get('/login/')
body = next(body).decode("utf-8")
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Login to Your Account" in body
data = {
'email': user.email,
'password': 'foo',
'remember': False,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
body, status, headers = client.post('/login/', data=data, follow_redirects=True)
body = next(body).decode("utf-8")
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Login to Your Account" not in body
def test_profile(user3: UserClientFlask):
body, status = user3.get('/profile/')
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Profile" in body
assert user3.email in body
def test_inventory(user3: UserClientFlask):
body, status = user3.get('/inventory/device/')
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Unassigned" in body
def test_add_lot(user3: UserClientFlask):
body, status = user3.get('/inventory/lot/add/')
lot_name = "lot1"
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Add a new lot" in body
assert lot_name not in body
data = {
'name': lot_name,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
body, status = user3.post('/inventory/lot/add/', data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert lot_name in body
def test_del_lot(user3: UserClientFlask):
body, status = user3.get('/inventory/lot/add/')
lot_name = "lot1"
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Add a new lot" in body
assert lot_name not in body
data = {
'name': lot_name,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
body, status = user3.post('/inventory/lot/add/', data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert lot_name in body
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(name=lot_name).one()
uri = '/inventory/lot/{id}/del/'.format(id=lot.id)
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert lot_name not in body
def test_update_lot(user3: UserClientFlask):
# Add lot
data = {
'name': "lot1",
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post('/inventory/lot/add/', data=data)
data = {
'name': "lot2",
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
lot = Lot.query.one()
uri = '/inventory/lot/{uuid}/'.format(uuid=lot.id)
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "lot2" in body
def test_upload_snapshot(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/upload-snapshot/'
file_name = 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Select a Snapshot file" in body
snapshot = conftest.yaml2json(file_name.split(".json")[0])
b_snapshot = bytes(json.dumps(snapshot), 'utf-8')
file_snap = (BytesIO(b_snapshot), file_name)
data = {
'snapshot': file_snap,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
txt = f"{file_name}: Ok"
assert status == '200 OK'
assert txt in body
db_snapthot = Snapshot.query.one()
dev = db_snapthot.device
assert str(db_snapthot.uuid) == snapshot['uuid']
assert dev.type == 'Laptop'
assert dev.serial_number == 'b8oaas048285'
assert len(dev.actions) == 10
assert len(dev.components) == 9
def test_upload_snapshot_to_lot(user3: UserClientFlask):
lot_name = 'lot1'
data = {
'name': lot_name,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post('/inventory/lot/add/', data=data)
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(name=lot_name).one()
lot_id = lot.id
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/upload-snapshot/'
file_name = 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json'
snapshot = conftest.yaml2json(file_name.split(".json")[0])
b_snapshot = bytes(json.dumps(snapshot), 'utf-8')
file_snap = (BytesIO(b_snapshot), file_name)
data = {
'snapshot': file_snap,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
txt = f"{file_name}: Ok"
assert status == '200 OK'
assert txt in body
db_snapthot = Snapshot.query.one()
dev = db_snapthot.device
assert dev not in lot.devices
assert dev.binding.device in lot.devices
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/device/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
assert dev.binding.phid in body
def test_inventory_with_device(user3: UserClientFlask):
db_snapthot = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
body, status = user3.get('/inventory/device/')
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Unassigned" in body
assert db_snapthot.device.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
def test_inventory_filter(user3: UserClientFlask):
db_snapthot = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
csrf = generate_csrf()
body, status = user3.get(f'/inventory/device/?filter=Laptop&csrf_token={csrf}')
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Unassigned" in body
assert db_snapthot.device.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
def test_export_devices(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
uri = "/inventory/export/devices/?ids={id}".format(id=snap.device.devicehub_id)
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
export_csv = [line.split(";") for line in body.split("\n")]
with Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath(
).open() as csv_file:
fixture_csv = [line.split(";") for line in csv_file.read().split("\n")]
assert fixture_csv[0] == export_csv[0], 'Headers are not equal'
assert (
fixture_csv[1][:29] == export_csv[1][:29]
), 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1][30] == export_csv[1][30], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert (
fixture_csv[1][32:93] == export_csv[1][32:93]
), 'Computer information are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1][94] == export_csv[1][94], 'Computer information are not equal'
assert (
fixture_csv[1][98:] == export_csv[1][98:]
), 'Computer information are not equal'
def test_export_metrics(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
uri = "/inventory/export/metrics/?ids={id}".format(id=snap.device.devicehub_id)
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert body == ''
def test_export_certificates(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
uri = "/inventory/export/certificates/?ids={id}".format(id=snap.device.devicehub_id)
body, status = user3.get(uri, decode=False)
body = str(next(body))
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "PDF-1.5" in body
assert 'hts54322' in body
def test_export_actions_erasure(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'erase-sectors-2-hdd.snapshot')
ids = [str(ac.id) for ac in snap.actions if ac.type == 'EraseBasic']
ids = ",".join(ids)
uri = "/inventory/export/actions_erasures/?ids={id}".format(id=ids)
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "WD-WCAV27984668" in body
assert "WD-WCAV29008961" in body
def test_labels(user3: UserClientFlask):
body, status = user3.get('/labels/')
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Unique Identifiers Management" in body
def test_add_tag(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/labels/add/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Add a new Unique Identifier" in body
data = {
'code': "tag1",
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "tag1" in body
def test_label_details(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/labels/add/'
data = {
'code': "tag1",
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post(uri, data=data)
body, status = user3.get('/labels/tag1/')
assert "tag1" in body
assert "Print Label" in body
def test_link_tag_to_device(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device.binding.device
uri = '/labels/add/'
data = {
'code': "tag1",
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post(uri, data=data)
body, status = user3.get('/inventory/device/{}/'.format(dev.dhid))
assert "tag1" in body
data = {
'tag': "tag1",
'device': dev.dhid,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
uri = '/inventory/tag/devices/{}/add/'.format(dev.dhid)
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert len(list(dev.tags)) == 1
tags = [tag.id for tag in dev.tags]
assert "tag1" in tags
def test_unlink_tag_to_device(user3: UserClientFlask):
# create device
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device.binding.device
# create tag
uri = '/labels/add/'
data = {
'code': "tag1",
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post(uri, data=data)
# link tag to device
data = {
'tag': "tag1",
'device': dev.id,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
uri = '/inventory/tag/devices/add/'
user3.post(uri, data=data)
# unlink tag to device
uri = '/inventory/tag/devices/{id}/del/'.format(id=dev.id)
data = {
'code': "tag1",
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post(uri, data=data)
data = {
'tag': "tag1",
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert len(list(dev.tags)) == 0
def test_print_labels(user3: UserClientFlask):
# create device
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device.binding.device
# create tag
uri = '/labels/add/'
data = {
'code': "tag1",
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post(uri, data=data)
# link tag to device
data = {
'tag': "tag1",
'device': dev.id,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
uri = '/inventory/tag/devices/{}/add/'.format(dev.dhid)
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert len(list(dev.tags)) == 1
uri = '/labels/print'
data = {
'devices': "{}".format(dev.id),
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
path = "/devices/{}".format(dev.dhid)
assert path in body
assert "tag1" in body
def test_add_monitor(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "New Device" in body
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Monitor",
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "b2",
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
dev = Device.query.one()
typ = dev.type
dhid = dev.dhid
phid = dev.phid()
assert typ == 'Monitor'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier == "b2"
assert dev.hid == 'monitor-samsung-lc27t55-aaaab'
assert phid == '1'
assert dhid == 'O48N2'
txt = f'Device "{typ}" placeholder with PHID {phid} and DHID {dhid} '
txt += 'created successfully'
assert txt in body
def test_update_monitor(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "New Device" in body
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Monitor",
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "b2",
'pallet': "l34",
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
dev = Device.query.one()
typ = dev.type
dhid = dev.dhid
phid = dev.phid()
assert typ == 'Monitor'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier == "b2"
assert dev.hid == 'monitor-samsung-lc27t55-aaaab'
assert phid == '1'
assert dhid == 'O48N2'
assert dev.model == 'lc27t55'
assert dev.depth == 0.1
assert dev.placeholder.pallet == "l34"
txt = f'Device "{typ}" placeholder with PHID {phid} and DHID {dhid} '
txt += 'created successfully'
assert txt in body
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Monitor",
'phid': '1',
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LCD 43 b",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.2,
'id_device_supplier': "b3",
'pallet': "l20",
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Error, exist one Placeholder device with this PHID' in body
dev = Device.query.one()
assert dev.type == 'Monitor'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier == "b2"
assert dev.hid == 'monitor-samsung-lc27t55-aaaab'
assert dev.placeholder.phid == '1'
assert dev.model == 'lc27t55'
assert dev.depth == 0.1
assert dev.placeholder.pallet == "l34"
def test_add_2_monitor(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "New Device" in body
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Monitor",
'phid': "AAB",
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "b1",
'pallet': "l34",
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
dev = Device.query.one()
typ = dev.type
dhid = dev.dhid
phid = dev.phid()
assert typ == 'Monitor'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier == "b1"
assert dev.hid == 'monitor-samsung-lc27t55-aaaab'
assert phid == 'AAB'
assert dhid == 'O48N2'
assert dev.model == 'lc27t55'
assert dev.placeholder.pallet == "l34"
txt = f'Device "{typ}" placeholder with PHID {phid} and DHID {dhid} '
txt += 'created successfully'
assert txt in body
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Monitor",
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LCD 43 b",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.2,
'id_device_supplier': "b2",
'pallet': "l20",
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
dev = Device.query.all()[-1]
typ = dev.type
dhid = dev.dhid
phid = dev.phid()
assert typ == 'Monitor'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier == "b2"
assert dev.hid == 'monitor-samsung-lcd_43_b-aaaab'
assert phid == '2'
assert dev.model == 'lcd 43 b'
assert dev.placeholder.pallet == "l20"
assert dhid == 'E39W3'
txt = f'Device "{typ}" placeholder with PHID {phid} and DHID {dhid} '
txt += 'created successfully'
assert txt in body
def test_add_laptop(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "New Device" in body
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "b2",
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
dev = Device.query.one()
typ = dev.type
dhid = dev.dhid
phid = dev.phid()
assert typ == 'Laptop'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier == "b2"
assert dev.hid == 'laptop-samsung-lc27t55-aaaab'
assert phid == '1'
assert dhid == 'O48N2'
txt = f'Device "{typ}" placeholder with PHID {phid} and DHID {dhid} '
txt += 'created successfully'
assert txt in body
def test_add_with_ammount_laptops(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "New Device" in body
num = 3
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'amount': num,
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "b2",
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert f'{num} placeholders Device "Laptop" created successfully.' in body
for dev in Device.query.all():
assert dev.type == 'Laptop'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier is None
assert dev.hid is None
assert dev.placeholder.phid in [str(x) for x in range(1, num + 1)]
assert Device.query.count() == num
def test_add_laptop_duplicate(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "New Device" in body
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'phid': 'laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1001pxd-b8oaas048285-14:da:e9:42:f6:7b',
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert Device.query.count() == 1
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert 'Error, exist one Placeholder device with this PHID' in body
assert Device.query.count() == 1
def test_filter_monitor(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Monitor",
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
user3.post(uri, data=data)
csrf = generate_csrf()
uri = f'/inventory/device/?filter=Monitor&csrf_token={csrf}'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
dev = Device.query.one()
assert dev.devicehub_id in body
def test_action_recycling(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
# fail request
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Allocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert dev.actions[-1].type == 'Snapshot'
assert 'Action Allocate error!' in body
# good request
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Recycling",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Recycling'
assert 'Action "Recycling" created successfully!' in body
assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
def test_action_error_without_devices(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Recycling",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "",
uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Action Recycling error!' in body
def test_action_use(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Use",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Use'
assert 'Action "Use" created successfully!' in body
assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
def test_action_refurbish(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Refurbish",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Refurbish'
assert 'Action "Refurbish" created successfully!' in body
assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
def test_action_management(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Management",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Management'
assert 'Action "Management" created successfully!' in body
assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
def test_action_allocate(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Allocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-01-01',
'end_time': '2000-06-01',
'end_users': 2,
uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Allocate'
assert 'Action "Allocate" created successfully!' in body
assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
def test_action_allocate_error_required(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Trade",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert 'Allocate' not in [x.type for x in dev.binding.device.actions]
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Allocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Action Allocate error' in body
assert 'Not a valid date value.' in body
def test_action_allocate_error_dates(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Allocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-06-01',
'end_time': '2000-01-01',
'end_users': 2,
uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Action Allocate error' in body
assert 'The action cannot finish before it starts.' in body
assert 'Allocate' not in [x.type for x in dev.binding.device.actions]
def test_action_allocate_error_future_dates(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
start_time = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(1)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
end_time = (datetime.datetime.now() + datetime.timedelta(10)).strftime('%Y-%m-%d')
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Allocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': start_time,
'end_time': end_time,
'end_users': 2,
uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Action Allocate error' in body
assert 'Not a valid date value.!' in body
assert 'Allocate' not in [x.type for x in dev.binding.device.actions]
def test_action_deallocate(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Allocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-01-01',
'end_time': '2000-06-01',
'end_users': 2,
uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type == 'Allocate'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Deallocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-01-01',
'end_time': '2000-06-01',
'end_users': 2,
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type == 'Deallocate'
assert 'Action "Deallocate" created successfully!' in body
assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
def test_action_deallocate_error(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Allocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-05-01',
'end_time': '2000-06-01',
'end_users': 2,
uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type == 'Allocate'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Deallocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-01-01',
'end_time': '2000-02-01',
'end_users': 2,
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type != 'Deallocate'
assert 'Action Deallocate error!' in body
assert 'Error, some of this devices are actually deallocate' in body
def test_action_allocate_deallocate_error(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Allocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-01-01',
'end_time': '2000-01-01',
'end_users': 2,
uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type == 'Allocate'
assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 1
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Deallocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-02-01',
'end_time': '2000-02-01',
'end_users': 2,
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type == 'Deallocate'
assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 2
# is not possible to do an allocate between an allocate and an deallocate
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Allocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-01-15',
'end_time': '2000-01-15',
'end_users': 2,
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert dev.binding.device.allocated_status.type == 'Deallocate'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Deallocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-01-15',
'end_time': '2000-01-15',
'end_users': 2,
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 2
def test_action_allocate_deallocate_error2(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Allocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-01-10',
'end_users': 2,
uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 1
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Deallocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-01-20',
'end_users': 2,
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 2
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Allocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-02-10',
'end_users': 2,
uri = '/inventory/action/allocate/add/'
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 3
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Deallocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-02-20',
'end_users': 2,
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 4
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Allocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-01-25',
'end_users': 2,
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 5
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Deallocate",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'start_time': '2000-01-27',
'end_users': 2,
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert len(dev.binding.device.actions) == 6
def test_action_toprepare(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "ToPrepare",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'ToPrepare'
assert 'Action "ToPrepare" created successfully!' in body
assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
def test_action_prepare(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Prepare",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Prepare'
assert 'Action "Prepare" created successfully!' in body
assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
def test_action_torepair(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "ToRepair",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'ToRepair'
assert 'Action "ToRepair" created successfully!' in body
assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
def test_action_ready(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Ready",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
uri = '/inventory/action/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'Ready'
assert 'Action "Ready" created successfully!' in body
assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
def test_action_datawipe(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
b_file = b'1234567890'
file_name = "my_file.doc"
file_upload = (BytesIO(b_file), file_name)
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "DataWipe",
'severity': "Info",
'devices': "{}".format(dev.binding.device.id),
'document-file_name': file_upload,
uri = '/inventory/action/datawipe/add/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
assert status == '200 OK'
assert dev.binding.device.actions[-1].type == 'DataWipe'
assert 'Action "DataWipe" created successfully!' in body
assert dev.binding.device.devicehub_id in body
def test_wb_settings(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/workbench/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Please download the ISO file and the settings file of the" in body
def test_wb_settings_register(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/workbench/?opt=register'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "TOKEN = " in body
assert "URL = https://" in body
assert "/api/inventory/" in body
def test_create_transfer(user3: UserClientFlask):
lot_name = 'lot1'
data = {
'name': lot_name,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post('/inventory/lot/add/', data=data)
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(name=lot_name).one()
lot_id = lot.id
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/transfer/incoming/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Add new transfer' in body
assert 'Code' in body
assert 'Description' in body
assert 'Save' in body
data = {'csrf_token': generate_csrf(), 'code': 'AAA'}
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Transfer created successfully!' in body
assert 'Delete Lot' in body
assert 'Incoming Lot' in body
def test_edit_transfer(user3: UserClientFlask):
# create lot
lot_name = 'lot1'
data = {
'name': lot_name,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post('/inventory/lot/add/', data=data)
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(name=lot_name).one()
# render temporary lot
lot_id = lot.id
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/device/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Transfer (<span class="text-success">Open</span>)' not in body
assert '<i class="bi bi-trash"></i> Delete Lot' in body
# create new incoming lot
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/transfer/incoming/'
data = {'csrf_token': generate_csrf(), 'code': 'AAA'}
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert 'Transfer (<span class="text-success">Open</span>)' in body
assert '<i class="bi bi-trash"></i> Delete Lot' in body
lot = Lot.query.filter()[1]
assert lot.transfer is not None
# edit transfer with errors
lot_id = lot.id
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/transfer/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'code': 'AAA',
'description': 'one one one',
'date': datetime.datetime.now().date() + datetime.timedelta(15),
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Transfer updated error!' in body
assert 'one one one' not in body
assert '<i class="bi bi-trash"></i> Delete Lot' in body
assert 'Transfer (<span class="text-success">Open</span>)' in body
# # edit transfer successfully
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'code': 'AAA',
'description': 'one one one',
'date': datetime.datetime.now().date() - datetime.timedelta(15),
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Transfer updated successfully!' in body
assert 'one one one' in body
assert '<i class="bi bi-trash"></i> Delete Lot' not in body
assert 'Transfer (<span class="text-danger">Closed</span>)' in body
def test_edit_deliverynote(user3: UserClientFlask):
# create lot
lot_name = 'lot1'
data = {
'name': lot_name,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post('/inventory/lot/add/', data=data)
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(name=lot_name).one()
lot_id = lot.id
# create new incoming lot
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/transfer/incoming/'
data = {'csrf_token': generate_csrf(), 'code': 'AAA'}
user3.post(uri, data=data)
lot = Lot.query.filter()[1]
lot_id = lot.id
# edit delivery with errors
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/deliverynote/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'number': 'AAA',
'units': 10,
'weight': 50,
'date': datetime.datetime.now().date() + datetime.timedelta(15),
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Delivery Note updated error!' in body
# # edit transfer successfully
data['date'] = datetime.datetime.now().date() - datetime.timedelta(15)
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Delivery Note updated successfully!' in body
def test_edit_receivernote(user3: UserClientFlask):
# create lot
lot_name = 'lot1'
data = {
'name': lot_name,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post('/inventory/lot/add/', data=data)
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(name=lot_name).one()
lot_id = lot.id
# create new incoming lot
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/transfer/incoming/'
data = {'csrf_token': generate_csrf(), 'code': 'AAA'}
user3.post(uri, data=data)
lot = Lot.query.filter()[1]
lot_id = lot.id
# edit delivery with errors
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/receivernote/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'number': 'AAA',
'units': 10,
'weight': 50,
'date': datetime.datetime.now().date() + datetime.timedelta(15),
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Receiver Note updated error!' in body
# # edit transfer successfully
data['date'] = datetime.datetime.now().date() - datetime.timedelta(15)
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Receiver Note updated successfully!' in body
def test_edit_notes_with_closed_transfer(user3: UserClientFlask):
# create lot
lot_name = 'lot1'
data = {
'name': lot_name,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post('/inventory/lot/add/', data=data)
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(name=lot_name).one()
lot_id = lot.id
# create new incoming lot
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/transfer/incoming/'
data = {'csrf_token': generate_csrf(), 'code': 'AAA'}
user3.post(uri, data=data)
lot = Lot.query.filter()[1]
lot_id = lot.id
# edit transfer adding date
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/transfer/'
data['date'] = datetime.datetime.now().date() - datetime.timedelta(15)
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert lot.transfer.closed is True
# edit delivery with errors
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/deliverynote/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'number': 'AAA',
'units': 10,
'weight': 50,
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Delivery Note updated error!' in body
# edit receiver with errors
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/receivernote/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'number': 'AAA',
'units': 10,
'weight': 50,
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Receiver Note updated error!' in body
def test_export_devices_lots(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
lot_name = 'lot1'
data = {
'name': lot_name,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post('/inventory/lot/add/', data=data)
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(name=lot_name).one()
device = snap.device
g.user = User.query.one()
uri = "/inventory/export/devices_lots/?ids={id}".format(id=snap.device.devicehub_id)
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
export_csv = [line.split(";") for line in body.split("\n")]
with Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath(
).open() as csv_file:
fixture_csv = [line.split(";") for line in csv_file.read().split("\n")]
assert fixture_csv[0] == export_csv[0], 'Headers are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1][2:] == export_csv[1][2:], 'Computer information are not equal'
UUID(export_csv[1][1].replace('"', ''))
def test_export_lots(user3: UserClientFlask):
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
lot_name = 'lot1'
data = {
'name': lot_name,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post('/inventory/lot/add/', data=data)
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(name=lot_name).one()
device = snap.device
g.user = User.query.one()
uri = "/inventory/export/lots/"
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
export_csv = [line.split(";") for line in body.split("\n")]
with Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath(
).open() as csv_file:
fixture_csv = [line.split(";") for line in csv_file.read().split("\n")]
assert fixture_csv[0] == export_csv[0], 'Headers are not equal'
assert fixture_csv[1][1:] == export_csv[1][1:], 'Computer information are not equal'
UUID(export_csv[1][0].replace('"', ''))
def test_export_snapshot_json(user3: UserClientFlask):
file_name = 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.13.json'
snap = create_device(user3, file_name)
snapshot = conftest.yaml2json(file_name.split(".json")[0])
snapshot = json.dumps(snapshot)
uri = "/inventory/export/snapshot/?id={}".format(snap.uuid)
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert body == snapshot
def test_add_placeholder_excel(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/upload-placeholder/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Upload Placeholder" in body
file_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('placeholder_test.xls')
with open(file_path, 'rb') as excel:
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'placeholder_file': excel,
user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
assert Device.query.count() == 3
dev = Device.query.first()
assert dev.hid == 'laptop-sony-vaio-12345678'
assert dev.placeholder.phid == 'a123'
assert dev.placeholder.info == 'Good conditions'
assert dev.placeholder.pallet == '24A'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier == 'TTT'
def test_add_placeholder_csv(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/upload-placeholder/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Upload Placeholder" in body
file_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('placeholder_test.csv')
with open(file_path, 'rb') as excel:
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'placeholder_file': excel,
user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
assert Device.query.count() == 3
dev = Device.query.first()
assert dev.hid == 'laptop-sony-vaio-12345678'
assert dev.placeholder.phid == 'a123'
assert dev.placeholder.info == 'Good conditions'
assert dev.placeholder.pallet == '24A'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier == 'TTT'
def test_add_placeholder_ods(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/upload-placeholder/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Upload Placeholder" in body
file_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('placeholder_test.ods')
with open(file_path, 'rb') as excel:
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'placeholder_file': excel,
user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
assert Device.query.count() == 3
dev = Device.query.first()
assert dev.hid == 'laptop-sony-vaio-12345678'
assert dev.placeholder.phid == 'a123'
assert dev.placeholder.info == 'Good conditions'
assert dev.placeholder.pallet == '24A'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier == 'TTT'
def test_add_placeholder_office_open_xml(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/upload-placeholder/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Upload Placeholder" in body
file_path = (
with open(file_path, 'rb') as excel:
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'placeholder_file': excel,
user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
assert Device.query.count() == 3
dev = Device.query.first()
assert dev.hid == 'laptop-sony-vaio-12345678'
assert dev.placeholder.phid == 'a123'
assert dev.placeholder.info == 'Good conditions'
assert dev.placeholder.pallet == '24A'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier == 'TTT'
def test_edit_laptop(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "New Device" in body
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "b2",
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
dev = Device.query.one()
typ = dev.type
dhid = dev.dhid
phid = dev.phid()
assert typ == 'Laptop'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier == "b2"
assert dev.hid == 'laptop-samsung-lc27t55-aaaab'
assert dev.serial_number == 'aaaab'
assert dev.model == 'lc27t55'
assert phid == '1'
assert dhid == 'O48N2'
txt = f'Device "{typ}" placeholder with PHID {phid} and DHID {dhid} '
txt += 'created successfully'
assert txt in body
uri = '/inventory/device/edit/{}/'.format(dev.devicehub_id)
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Edit Device" in body
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'serial_number': "AAAAC",
'model': "LC27T56",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "a2",
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'Device "Laptop" edited successfully!' in body
dev = Device.query.one()
assert dev.type == 'Laptop'
assert dev.hid == 'laptop-samsung-lc27t55-aaaab'
assert dev.placeholder.phid == '1'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier == 'a2'
assert dev.serial_number == 'aaaac'
assert dev.model == 'lc27t56'
def test_placeholder_log_manual_new(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'phid': 'ace',
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "b2",
user3.post(uri, data=data)
uri = '/inventory/placeholder-logs/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Placeholder Logs" in body
assert "Web form" in body
assert "ace" in body
assert "New device" in body
def test_placeholder_log_manual_edit(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'phid': 'ace',
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "b2",
user3.post(uri, data=data)
dev = Device.query.one()
uri = '/inventory/device/edit/{}/'.format(dev.devicehub_id)
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'serial_number': "AAAAC",
'model': "LC27T56",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "a2",
user3.post(uri, data=data)
uri = '/inventory/placeholder-logs/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Placeholder Logs" in body
assert "Web form" in body
assert "ace" in body
assert "Update" in body
assert dev.devicehub_id in body
assert "✓" in body
assert "CSV" not in body
assert "Excel" not in body
def test_placeholder_log_excel_new(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/upload-placeholder/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
file_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('placeholder_test.xls')
with open(file_path, 'rb') as excel:
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'placeholder_file': excel,
user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
dev = Device.query.first()
assert dev.placeholder.phid == 'a123'
uri = '/inventory/placeholder-logs/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Placeholder Logs" in body
assert dev.placeholder.phid in body
assert dev.devicehub_id in body
assert "Web form" not in body
assert "Update" not in body
assert "New device" in body
assert "✓" in body
assert "CSV" not in body
assert "Excel" in body
assert "placeholder_test.xls" in body
def test_placeholder_log_excel_update(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/upload-placeholder/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
file_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('placeholder_test.xls')
with open(file_path, 'rb') as excel:
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'placeholder_file': excel,
user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
file_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('placeholder_test.csv')
with open(file_path, 'rb') as excel:
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'placeholder_file': excel,
user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
dev = Device.query.first()
assert dev.placeholder.phid == 'a123'
uri = '/inventory/placeholder-logs/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Placeholder Logs" in body
assert dev.placeholder.phid in body
assert dev.devicehub_id in body
assert "Web form" not in body
assert "Update" in body
assert "New device" in body
assert "✓" in body
assert "CSV" in body
assert "Excel" in body
assert "placeholder_test.xls" in body
assert "placeholder_test.csv" in body
def test_add_placeholder_excel_from_lot(user3: UserClientFlask):
lot_name = 'lot1'
data = {
'name': lot_name,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post('/inventory/lot/add/', data=data)
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(name=lot_name).one()
lot_id = lot.id
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/upload-placeholder/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Upload Placeholder" in body
file_path = Path(__file__).parent.joinpath('files').joinpath('placeholder_test.xls')
with open(file_path, 'rb') as excel:
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'placeholder_file': excel,
user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
assert Device.query.count() == 3
dev = Device.query.first()
assert dev.hid == 'laptop-sony-vaio-12345678'
assert dev.placeholder.phid == 'a123'
assert dev.placeholder.info == 'Good conditions'
assert dev.placeholder.pallet == '24A'
assert dev.placeholder.id_device_supplier == 'TTT'
assert len(lot.devices) == 3
def test_add_new_placeholder_from_lot(user3: UserClientFlask):
lot_name = 'lot1'
data = {
'name': lot_name,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post('/inventory/lot/add/', data=data)
lot = Lot.query.filter_by(name=lot_name).one()
assert len(lot.devices) == 0
lot_id = lot.id
uri = f'/inventory/lot/{lot_id}/device/add/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'phid': 'ace',
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "b2",
user3.post(uri, data=data)
dev = Device.query.one()
assert dev.hid == 'laptop-samsung-lc27t55-aaaab'
assert dev.placeholder.phid == 'ace'
assert len(lot.devices) == 1
def test_manual_binding(user3: UserClientFlask):
# create placeholder manual
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'phid': 'sid',
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "b2",
user3.post(uri, data=data)
dev = Device.query.one()
assert dev.hid == 'laptop-samsung-lc27t55-aaaab'
assert dev.placeholder.phid == 'sid'
assert dev.placeholder.is_abstract is False
# add device from wb
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev_wb = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
assert dev_wb.binding.is_abstract is True
assert (
== 'laptop-asustek_computer_inc-1001pxd-b8oaas048285-14:da:e9:42:f6:7b'
assert dev_wb.binding.phid == '11'
old_placeholder = dev_wb.binding
# page binding
dhid = dev_wb.dhid
uri = f'/inventory/binding/{dhid}/sid/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'sid' in body
assert 'Confirm' in body
phid_real = dev.placeholder.phid
phid_abstract = dev_wb.binding.phid
dhid_real = dev.dhid
dhid_abstract = dev_wb.dhid
# action binding
body, status = user3.post(uri, data={})
assert status == '200 OK'
txt = f"Device placeholder with PHID: {phid_real} and DHID: {dhid_real} "
txt += f"bind successfully with device snapshot PHID: {phid_abstract} DHID: {dhid_abstract}."
assert txt in body
# check new structure
assert dev_wb.binding.phid == 'sid'
assert dev_wb.binding.device == dev
assert Placeholder.query.filter_by(id=old_placeholder.id).first() is None
assert Device.query.filter_by(id=old_placeholder.device.id).first() is None
def test_edit_and_binding(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "b2",
user3.post(uri, data=data)
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev_wb = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
uri = '/inventory/device/edit/{}/'.format(dev_wb.binding.device.devicehub_id)
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Edit Device" in body
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'serial_number': "AAAAC",
'model': "LC27T56",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "a2",
assert dev_wb.binding.is_abstract is True
user3.post(uri, data=data)
assert dev_wb.binding.is_abstract is True
def test_unbinding(user3: UserClientFlask):
# create placeholder manual
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'phid': 'sid',
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "b2",
user3.post(uri, data=data)
dev = Device.query.one()
# add device from wb
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev_wb = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
old_placeholder = dev_wb.binding
old_phid = old_placeholder.phid
old_dhid = dev_wb.dhid
# page binding
dhid = dev_wb.dhid
uri = f'/inventory/binding/{dhid}/sid/'
# action binding
assert dev.placeholder.binding is None
user3.post(uri, data={})
assert dev.placeholder.binding == dev_wb
dhid = dev.dhid
# action unbinding
uri = '/inventory/unbinding/sid/'
body, status = user3.post(uri, data={})
assert status == '200 OK'
txt = f'Device with PHID:"sid" and DHID: {dhid} unbind successfully!'
assert txt in body
# assert 'Device "sid" unbind successfully!' in body
# check new structure
assert dev.placeholder.binding is None
assert dev_wb.binding.phid == old_phid
assert dev_wb.dhid == old_dhid
assert old_placeholder.device.model == dev_wb.binding.device.model
assert old_placeholder.device != dev_wb.binding.device
assert Placeholder.query.filter_by(id=old_placeholder.id).first() is None
assert Device.query.filter_by(id=old_placeholder.device.id).first() is None
assert Placeholder.query.filter_by(id=dev_wb.binding.id).first()
assert Device.query.filter_by(id=dev_wb.binding.device.id).first()
assert Device.query.filter_by(id=dev.id).first()
assert Placeholder.query.filter_by(id=dev.placeholder.id).first()
def test_unbindingnot_used(user3: UserClientFlask):
# add device from wb
snap = create_device(user3, 'real-eee-1001pxd.snapshot.12.json')
dev_wb = snap.device
uri = '/inventory/device/'
old_placeholder = dev_wb.binding
# action unbinding
uri = '/inventory/unbinding/{}/'.format(dev_wb.binding.phid)
body, status = user3.post(uri, data={})
assert status == '200 OK'
# check new structure
assert dev_wb.binding == old_placeholder
assert Placeholder.query.filter_by(id=old_placeholder.id).first()
assert Device.query.filter_by(id=old_placeholder.device.id).first()
assert Device.query.filter_by(id=dev_wb.id).first()
def test_upload_snapshot_smartphone(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/upload-snapshot/'
file_name = 'smartphone.snapshot.json'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Select a Snapshot file" in body
snapshot = conftest.yaml2json(file_name.split(".json")[0])
b_snapshot = bytes(json.dumps(snapshot), 'utf-8')
file_snap = (BytesIO(b_snapshot), file_name)
data = {
'snapshot': file_snap,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
body, status = user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
txt = f"{file_name}: Ok"
assert status == '200 OK'
assert txt in body
db_snapthot = Snapshot.query.one()
dev = db_snapthot.device
assert dev.type == 'Smartphone'
assert dev.serial_number == 'abcdef'
assert dev.binding.device.serial_number == 'abcdef'
assert dev.placeholder is None
assert len(dev.actions) == 2
def test_list_erasures(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/upload-snapshot/'
file_name = 'erase-sectors-2-hdd.snapshot.yaml'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert "Select a Snapshot file" in body
snapshot = conftest.yaml2json(file_name.split(".yaml")[0])
b_snapshot = bytes(json.dumps(snapshot), 'utf-8')
file_snap = (BytesIO(b_snapshot), file_name)
data = {
'snapshot': file_snap,
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
user3.post(uri, data=data, content_type="multipart/form-data")
uri = '/inventory/device/erasure/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
txt = "WD-WCAV27984668"
assert status == '200 OK'
assert txt in body
def test_bug_3821_binding(user3: UserClientFlask):
uri = '/inventory/device/add/'
data = {
'csrf_token': generate_csrf(),
'type': "Laptop",
'phid': 'sid',
'serial_number': "AAAAB",
'model': "LC27T55",
'manufacturer': "Samsung",
'generation': 1,
'weight': 0.1,
'height': 0.1,
'depth': 0.1,
'id_device_supplier': "b2",
user3.post(uri, data=data)
dev = Device.query.one()
dhid = dev.dhid
assert dev.phid() == 'sid'
uri = f'/inventory/binding/{dhid}/sid/'
body, status = user3.get(uri)
assert status == '200 OK'
assert 'is not a Snapshot device!' in body