#!/bin/sh set -e set -u # DEBUG #set -x _dir_info() { d="${1}" cd ${d} # src https://stackoverflow.com/questions/6245570/how-do-i-get-the-current-branch-name-in-git/6245587#6245587 branch_info="$(git branch --show-current)" # src https://ma.ttias.be/pretty-git-log-in-one-line/ commit_info="$(git log --pretty=format:'[%ci] %h %an: %s' -n 1)" # get DOMAIN env var [ -f ./status_data ] && . ./status_data cd - >/dev/null d_name="$(basename "${d}")" } main() { cd "$(dirname "${0}")" instances="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d \ | grep -E 'pilot|instance' \ | cut -d'_' -f3 \ | sort -u )" _dir_info ./ssikit_trustchain printf -- "%-36s | branch: %-8s | commit: %s\n" "${d_name}" "${branch_info}" "${commit_info}" printf -- " note: outdated ssikit_trustchain version could be present on any instance. Hence, this is only relevant for new or fresh builds\n\n" for i in ${instances}; do dirs="$(find . -maxdepth 1 -type d \ | grep -E 'pilot|instance' \ | grep "${i}$" )" echo "- ${i}" for d in ${dirs}; do _dir_info "${d}" printf -- " - %-35s | dir: %-30s | branch: %-8s | commit: %s\n" "${DOMAIN:-unknown domain}" "${d_name}" "${branch_info}" "${commit_info}" unset DOMAIN done done printf '\n\n$ docker ps\n\n' # add on `/etc/sudoers.d/allow_dockerps` the following content: # #https://serverfault.com/questions/184072/how-can-i-allow-all-users-to-run-a-given-command-via-sudo # ALL ALL=NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/docker ps sudo docker ps } main "${@}"