FROM python:3.9.18-slim-bullseye # based on # HOW TO RUN THIS # # 0. rsync -avhP root@ orchestra # 1. copy this Dockerfile into a dir containing orchestra, like: # $ ls # Dockerfile orchestra # 2. docker build -f orchestra . # 3. docker rm orchestra; docker run -v /Users/maymerichgubern/orchestra/orchestra/:/opt/orchestra -p 8443:443 -p 8080:80 -it --name orchestra orchestra bash # 4. sed -i "s/ALLOWED_HOSTS = .*/ALLOWED_HOSTS = ('', 'localhost')/" panel/ # 5. service postgresql start; service uwsgi start; service nginx start # 6. goto https://localhost:8443/admin/ #RUN apt-get update -y && apt-get upgrade -y RUN apt update && apt-get install --no-install-recommends -y \ postgresql \ cron \ nginx-full \ sudo \ ca-certificates \ gettext \ bind9utils \ wget \ expect \ wkhtmltopdf \ procps \ net-tools \ ssh \ wkhtmltopdf \ xvfb \ zlib1g-dev \ libcrack2-dev \ libxml2-dev \ libxslt1-dev \ && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # reduce size (python specifics) -> src ENV PYTHONDONTWRITEBYTECODE=1 # here document in dockerfile src RUN cat > /etc/pip.conf <<END [install] compile = no [global] no-cache-dir = True END RUN pip install --upgrade pip # using binaries I avoid installing c compiler # pyuwsgi -> src # setuptools before installing requirements and the anyjson python package -> src RUN pip install \ "setuptools<58.0.0" \ psycopg2-binary \ pyuwsgi # Clean up to reduce image size RUN apt clean && rm -rf /var/lib/apt/lists/* # celery pinned because big changes on periodic_tasks related API # celery3.1 wont support > python3.9 (dependency with celery should be removed), celery3.1 won't support django4.0 # orchestra initially was using celery to run async tasks, but then switched to process/threads without MQ... but the dependency with celery was never fully removed :( # django-iban wont support > 4.0 (django-iban is deprecated, replace by django-localflavor) # django 3 cannot work # RUN pip3 install \ # django==3.2.18 \ # django-fluent-dashboard \ # django-admin-tools \ # django-extensions \ # celery==3.1.23 \ # django-celery==3.3.1 \ # django-cors-headers \ # Markdown \ # djangorestframework \ # ecdsa \ # Pygments \ # django-filter \ # jsonfield \ # python-dateutil \ # \ # django-iban \ # requests \ # phonenumbers \ # django-countries \ # django-localflavor \ # amqp \ # pytz \ # cracklib \ # lxml # this is to ensure django project is created on top of this working directory WORKDIR /opt/orchestra/ # TODO maybe from here goes to docker entrypoint? # TODO assumes that the project already exists, and in some cases that would be interesting COPY django-orchestra/requirements.txt . # TODO fix this better in the repo itself RUN pip install -r requirements.txt RUN pip install lxml==4.9.3 COPY django-orchestra . #RUN sed -i 's/lxml==3.3.5/lxml==4.9.3/' requirements.txt # solves "No module named 'orchestra'" RUN pip install -e . RUN django-admin startproject panel --template=/opt/orchestra/orchestra/conf/project_template/ RUN adduser orchestra \ && sudo adduser orchestra sudo \ && su - orchestra ENV PATH=$PATH:/opt/orchestra/django-orchestra/orchestra/bin WORKDIR /opt/orchestra/panel COPY docker/orchestra.migrate.exp /opt/orchestra/panel COPY docker/ . ENTRYPOINT sh ./ # RUN expect -f ./orchestra.migrate.exp # # #RUN sed -i "s/'HOST': '',/'HOST': '*',/" panel/ # RUN sed -i "s/^ALLOWED_HOSTS = \[\]/ALLOWED_HOSTS = \['*'\]/" panel/ # CMD ./ runserver # EXPOSE 9080:9080 #RUN echo /opt/orchestra/django-orchestra/ > /usr/local/lib/python3.9/dist-packages/orchestra.pth # TODO move this to entrypoint, with fakedata # && su postgres bash -c 'psql -f <(zcat /opt/orchestra/orchestra_db_20230907.sql)' \ #RUN service postgresql start \ # && python3 setupnginx --user orchestra \ # && su orchestra bash -c 'python3 setupcronbeat' \ # && su orchestra bash -c 'python3 syncperiodictasks'